WHAT: get informed, get the conversation started!
HOW: read below, download logo, PRINT, take pictures, send them back to be posted here.
WHEN: now!!
WHY: to get the word out.
WHERE: email pics/stories to: freedomnow@twentysevenmillion.org
NOTE: use the link above only to send stories with no attachment. If you are going to send pictures do so from your email account. Will work out kinks.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

After a long self imposed time out to think.

Here I am.  I have been taking months of this blog, not because I have not been thinking about the 27 million people held as slaves, not because I do not care any longer, but because I had to really think about how to be most useful.
When I started this project I said I wanted to be an "info booth" that connects people with the same interest to effectively help the victims.
After months of research, watching, learning, snooping around and such I am convinced that I am in the right track.  I am convinced that what I want my grain of sand in this ocean of hope is to be a communicator.  I want to tell you about great organizations and people fighting human trafficking, I want to inform you and I want you to HELP ME tell as many people as possible what modern day slavery is, where it is happen (everywhere) and how, by even just sharing, we are making a difference.
I don't want to be a hero, I don't care about who is doing what, ALL I care about is that something is being done and how to help the process.
That simple.
I have learned that I cannot bite more than I can chew and come out on top. 
This is what I am doing.  Help me.  Tell everyone, do your own research, of your country, your city, inform yourself.  Contact your representative.  Tell your friends.
I still stand by the words I said when I started this project.   Do something really simple, print out the logo I provide on this blog (top of the page) post it in your office, your room, your car, wherever, someone will ask you, someone will know.
Take pictures with the logo, send them over along with your story, I'll gladly post it.
You+me+your friends = we can make a difference.
Thank you,


  1. I have had many interesting conversations based on the logo. When the project started I had posted signs everywhere I went literally. I had many interesting conversations with people who saw me posting asking what it meant. I have done research and read many books in order to be able to spread the information I have learned. The more eyes that are opened and the more knowledge that is spread will stop the ignorance of this global issue! Until I began talking to Pabs I had no idea Modern Day Slavery existed, he has opened my eyes and enabled me to open others. For this I am grateful and hope others will join in this fight.

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