WHAT: get informed, get the conversation started!
HOW: read below, download logo, PRINT, take pictures, send them back to be posted here.
WHEN: now!!
WHY: to get the word out.
WHERE: email pics/stories to: freedomnow@twentysevenmillion.org
NOTE: use the link above only to send stories with no attachment. If you are going to send pictures do so from your email account. Will work out kinks.

Monday 1 February 2010

With your help!

I woke up today to an email from the Pepsi Refresh Project telling me that my project has been approved and is in competition to get 5k from their grants.  What is this money for? It is to pay a web designer, someone that actually knows how to set up a site as opposed as me.  I envision this site with a lot more resources, more user friendly and at least in two language versions (English & Spanish)
With the help of a web designer I hope to achieve that, have our site in its own domain and being able to reach out to a lot more people, not having language be a barrier.
I now need your votes to make this happen.  Please, take a minute go here VOTE and pass the word around.  Let's refresh the world, one click at the time.
Thank you,

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